Boost Your Self Confidence Now and Build Your Summer Body This Winter!

Dec 14, 2022

The winter is a special time of year typically reserved for holiday celebrations, less time outside because of daylight savings, weather changes, and a moment of reflection.

That’s why it's no surprise that many people choose to have invasive body contouring and non invasive body sculpting treatments from Halloween through Christmas.

It’s the last time in the year they can reach their body goals.

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to conclude the year with having your goals met… Winter is the perfect time to work toward your ideal shape using the best non invasive body contouring methods.

So, if you’re feeling behind… don’t worry.

There’s time for building confidence in yourself, reaching your goals, and feeling comfortable in your skin by summertime!

Overcoming low self esteem and reaching your ideal body image is not easy, but that’s okay because we’re here to help.

That’s why BSA encourages you to explore your body contouring needs in the winter, and here’s why.


No matter what methods you use to alter your physicality, whether it’s body contouring, exercise, and eating habits, it takes time to reach the results you desire.

For body contouring specifically, if you choose invasive body sculpting, you need time to recover and heal.

With non surgical body sculpting, you can get instant results.

Still, it’s rare to meet your desired goal with just one session of ice sculpting, jet plasma, radio frequency therapy, and electric muscle stimulation, for example.

With exercise and eating habits, it takes consistency to see changes in your body.

And the best results for body goals typically happen in conjunction with combined methods, which also take time to explore.

The important thing to remember is that everyone's body is different and commitment to reaching your desired result differs for each person.

That’s why it’s nice to have so much time between winter and summer to discover what works for you!

Prevent bad habits due to seasonal, weather, and daylight changes

As mentioned, habits can change at the end of the year.

Maybe we drink a little more or have more sugary treats than normal. Whatever it is, having body goals in mind may help you stay active in your decisions to indulge or not.

While body contouring can tighten skin, shape muscles, and diminish wrinkles, it’s best to have good habits like moderate exercise, healthy water intake, and nutritious foods to support your goals.

For example, jet plasma improves acne bacteria hyper-pigmentation but to support that you may want to stay away from foods and products that cause your skin to breakout.

In general, having a goal to support your body confidence journey will help you build and continue good habits.

It will make you more mindful about decisions that positively impact your body.

The added benefit is that you’re building confidence in yourself from the start, making you the hero!
Have something to look forward to and focus

If winters are particularly hard for you, having some anticipation for your summer body goals will keep your mind preoccupied.

Whether that’s reaching a fitness goal before body sculpting, saving for non invasive body treatments, or actively searching for something to fill your confidence gap, excitement for what’s to come can give you the energy you need to get through a long winter.

Plus, you get the added benefit of results to come in the summer, whether that is having more energy, feeling less bloated, or showing off your figure.


All bodies are beautiful, and how you choose to build yours is up to you.

We’re here to be your confidence coach and help you step into the confident woman, man, or person you want to be.

The best results are measured in how you feel, and we can’t wait to work with you to support and build your self esteem.

If you would like body sculpting academy to help you reach your body confidence goals through non invasive contouring visit us now to book an appointment.

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